Jeff Kendall: Girls, Tik Tok, and the Pandemic Have Made Skateboarding Popular.

I heard he worked there but I did not realize that Jeff Kendall is the president and Chief Marketing Officer of NHS. I guess we can blame him for Santa Cruz’ inability to say no to any co-branding opportunity or strange accessory items. Madrid might be the only skate company out there with a lower […]


Ed Benedict, now more open than ever!

It may have been pen for months already, but the Ed Benedict grand opening celebration is this Saturday, May 30th. 1:15 PM Ceremony: Commissioner Saltzman, Commissioner Fish, PP&R Director Zari Santner 1:30 PM Adidas/Tribute Skateboards Skate Jam 2:00 PM Best Trick Competition 2:30 PM PP&R Skate Jam Invitational (grades K-8 and 9-12)