
11 thoughts on “Ho Ho Whoring it out

  1. They really messed up with Bones Brigade reissues!
    1. I had the choice at the time to either choose the signed deck or all six reissues, I chose the reissues – as I thought’d they’d be super limited – then later found out there will be 10,000. If I knew that on the day of ordering, I would have grabbed a signed deck. This info should have been released on their website that day.
    2. People who ordered these Bones Brigade reissue decks and the DVD on the release date, still have not received them – but everyone else who did not place a preorder can easily purchase these now.
    3. No discount when purchasing all six Bones Brigade reissue decks.
    4. Postage was over priced.

    1. Auntie Larry wouldn’t worry about missing out on the DVD, unless you really want to watch endless footage of grown men crying about how privileged their lives have been.

      1. walled eyed glue huffer on December 26, 2012 - Reply

        and by priveledged do u mean having access to multi million dollar sk8 facilities no where near accessable to the public in from 1977 to 2004 in america? i’m not bitter…no not at all

      2. It takes a strong man to cry, but it takes an even stronger man to laugh at that man.

  2. walled eyed glue huffer on December 19, 2012 - Reply

    you for got the $59.00 ripper lunch box w/ future primitive dvd…that black vato is insanely functional on a half pipe, its also the middle finger board…in the event they stop the endless murch tommorow this may not be so bad in five years…fuck christmas by the way

  3. someguyatwork on December 19, 2012 - Reply

    For me, the dream would be to have a Vato Rat exactly like the one in the opening sequence of the BB Video Show (the one pulled out of the television). It could even be a reissue, so long as it is true to the original. Stacy holding that board up to the camera and saying, “now this is a skateboard”, is burned in my brain forever. Seeing these derivative holiday items just frustrates me.

  4. talentlessquitter on December 19, 2012 - Reply

    Powell showing they do have some balls…Ho-ho-ho.

  5. Mr A Chin on December 20, 2012 - Reply

    @ Jay
    1. Fu<k reissues
    2. you don't even get Rippers Remorse for that buy

  6. Criscobath on December 28, 2012 - Reply

    Wait a minute…there was postage on the Bones Brigade Reissues?

  7. Has anyone here gotten the re issue decks? If you did I hope you did not get them to skate. Because those things would not hold up. I did get two, and after just standing on them did not even bother trying to set them up.

  8. These decks are being reissued for the memories, not for skating. For those of us who grew up in the 80s and these were our first decks, this is pretty sweet.

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