pirate town to be demolished

Portland’s Pirate Town to become Ghost Town

When I heard that Portland’s worst kept secret spot was already partially demolished, I assumed it was because there was a general failure to keep it on the down low, but it turns out the larger site is planned for demolition as part of the acquisition and planned expansion by the University of Portland, according to ESPN. The shot above is from The Skateboard Archives. Here’s an amusing U.P. anecdote. I used to live near there about five years ago. While driving by one day I noticed that someone stole all the letter “R”‘s from the signs at all the entrances to the main campus, effectively renaming it hte “University of Pot-land.” Those wacky Christian college kids!

– Thanks to Donny for the tip.


2 thoughts on “Portland’s Pirate Town to become Ghost Town

  1. They’re Catholics, so they weren’t stoned…they were drunk.

  2. Pirate town needed all the arghs

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