Nike Skateboarding adverts

Nike SB, take one.

Whatever your stance on Nike’s presence in the skateboarding industry, you’ve got to hand it to them for the commercials they made and actually aired on broadcast TV the first time around. They are great from a skating and an advertising perspective. I’ve been trying to get ahold of these and post them, but someone else has already done all the work, so why reinvent the wheel? My personal favorite is the running one because it brings back the times when people literally thought you were a freak if you were over 12 and still skateboarding on a public sidewalk. Of course now you’re a freak if you are over 30 and the hassle often comes the skaters instead of the non-skating public. So you can still be a rebel and participate in one of the world’s most popular sports.

[Source: Transworld beat me to it.]

Nike Skateboarding Commercials – Tennis

Nike Skateboarding Commercials – Running

Nike Skateboarding Commercials – Golf


23 thoughts on “Nike SB, take one.

  1. The running one is the clearest and most relevant example. The other two, while funny aren’t related.

    Skateboarders don’t get pushed out of skateparks, they are pushed out of the streets…like the runners.

  2. Hateboard on January 3, 2008 - Reply

    kill me.

  3. Thanks man. I needed a good laugh

  4. enemy combatant on January 3, 2008 - Reply

    “ahold” is not actually a word. The nearest equivalent in English is “a hold of”. I hope this helps!

  5. I’d say you were right if I had typed “alot” but spell check and the dictionary say different.

  6. enemy combatant on January 3, 2008 - Reply

    If Jimmy fucking Breslin is now considered an authority on the Kings English then perhaps we truly are at the end of Western Civilization. Punk Rock has indeed won!!!

  7. Hooray!

    Who is Jimmy Bresslen?

  8. enemy combatant on January 3, 2008 - Reply

    An Irish drunk referred to as an authority in Kilwags illiterate definition.

  9. EC – you are starting to show one of the worst sings of being too old – irational valuing of stuff from the past over newer (and im not saying better). english (and every other living language) is evolving and changing every day. same as music, skateboarding etc.

    i have a feeling it is making you slightly irritated. you gonna hate those diapers…

  10. Is Jimmy Breslin the leprechaun that lives in Apple computers and runs spell check? A hold. Ahold. Both clean.

  11. Dick Cancer on January 4, 2008 - Reply

    “Ahoy” mate, I got “a hold” of your sister last night and boy did she put the smack down on little Johnny. Nike, I hear Bam is soon to be on the team??? I liked the Tennis clip.

  12. enemy combatant on January 4, 2008 - Reply

    “irational valuing of stuff from the past”

    ur rite Bam is teh shizzle…

  13. Fuck the king! he’s been dead for how long? Since 1977? Fight the power! Make up your own werdz. Ahold! Nzlbern! Nof hoble smerz e foggin butr!

  14. What if we treated all writers the way we treat Kilwag?

  15. It’s getting mutinous in here.

  16. That’s funny Greg!

  17. Hate Beak on January 4, 2008 - Reply

    Those commercials are fucking awsome.

  18. does Nike give you an extra set of laces, that’s what really matters

  19. I didn’t see any one slammed down and handcuffed…

  20. […] Nike put out, and apparently actually ran on TV, or so I hear, I only actually read it over on Skate and Annoy, where I stole their keen interweb spotting […]

  21. skate skate skate skate skate skate skate skate skate skate skate skate skate skate skate skate skate skate skate skate skate skate skate skate skate skate… …skate skate skate skate skate skate skate skate skate skate skate skate skate skate skate skate skate skate skate skate skate skate skate skate skate skate skate

    all the time :p

  22. I created those commercials many years ago. Introduced nike to the skate industry. Im quite proud of that fact. They make good product and that’s the most anyone can ever hope to do. I’m 52 today and I will be skateboarding this afternoon as I have for the last 37 years. Skateboarding has saved my life a thousand times over and I love anyone in the tribe. Thanks for posting these. And for the kind words. Roll bitches.

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