Vancouver rendering

Vancouver meeting report

Team Shralp passed along a report on the Vancouver meeting last week. Sorry I’m a little slow in passing along the info. Sounds like there was a decent turnout – a mix of ages and a few skateboarders for a change. Some neighbors thought the skatepark was getting special treatment – dog park people were pissed cause they pay for their trash removal, restrooms, and fencing but the skatepark is going to have those things provided by the city, months ahead of any other feature in the park. What can we say skateboarders have a better lobby.

There was some loose discussion of rules, kind of like Battle Ground’s rules: bikes and skateboards all the time, pegs yes, and be polite to each other and people and things around the park.

The current plan is to open mid-August and they are going to sneak it – no big event just open the gates and let it happen, just word of mouth.

Thanks Jason. skatepark rendering from Grindline


4 thoughts on “Vancouver meeting report

  1. Dick Cancer on July 23, 2007 - Reply

    Mid-August!!! PHUCK YOU!!! PHUCK your rules. Go pound sand. I don’t direct any hostility towards Jason or Con Man. I direct it to the phucks keeping me from coming up there and having a F-ing good time. I call B.S., the park is ready to skate.

  2. seriously there needs to be some new parks with NO FUCKING BIKES…

  3. somebody needs a nap.

  4. Dick Cancer on July 23, 2007 - Reply

    THOR are you guys skating up there or what??? We want to skate the “couve”. We let you guys come down here for years and skate and now you have a park of your own and this how we get treated…”park rules, bikes with pegs,”

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