Concrete Crusaders #2

A zine a day for a week.
Day 4: Concrete Crusaders #2

Not every zine was a winner. Then again, not every zine was as bad as it seemed on first impression. This is Concrete Crusaders #2, an eight page affair with no date and no mention of who put it together with the exception of someone who did some transcribing. Despite the raised expectations that the Electric Ocean logo provides, on the surface this zine is sucky, However, it was probably the work of one guy, a lone outpost in his community. That’s right, whoever made this was the Dances with Wolves of Ohio skate zines. He went to Ann Arbor Michigan and got some decent pics of Brian Mank, a Midwest staple of the time. Whoever made this zine may not have had a lot of artistic talent, but he was probably stoked by Thrasher to do his own thing, and he did it. This is issue number two, and the editor seems despondent by lack of reader feedback. Of course with a title like “Boring Summer Issue,” what can you expect? Summer should be the best part of the year for skate coverage!

Concrete Crusaders #2

View the zine: Concrete Crusaders #2

Here are the stats:

Zine: Concrete Crusaders
Issue: #2
Date: 80’s
From: Canton Ohio
By: ? and Matt McElroy

Featuring: Brian Mank, Matt Duckworth, David Tuck, O.P. Moore, Tim Jackson, Terry Opiel, Dave Horton

Spots: Ann Arbor Michigan vert ramp in Veterens Park. 78 Ditch (east coast somewhere)

Highlights: Not a lot to it. Complaining about the judging at a local contest. Some pics from Ann Arbor. One shot of a ditch on the East Coast somewhere. Pleas for people to write in. Someone named Tim Jackson and Terry Speil (or Opeil, or Peil) supposedly ruined a spot. Pretty crappy, but the few photos that are in it aren’t so that bad considering.

Local Slang: None.

Previous Zine a day posts:

Day 3: Chi-Town Shred #5
Day 2: Freezine #11
Day 1: Harsh Vibes #2

UPDATE: The comments have mode to the gallery.


One thought on “A zine a day for a week.
Day 4: Concrete Crusaders #2

  1. Matthew McElroy on November 30, 2012 - Reply

    Wow! It is pretty crappy isn’t it? I made this zine myself in 1986 when I was 12. It is pretty funny that a copy of this exists outside of my own attic, I doubt that I made that many copies to begin with. I did take all the photos myself and I believe developed most of them while taking a class in photography. I still have a copy of number one which is just as poor.

    Thanks for holding on to this and sharing your collection.

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