Crappy Paris Eifel Tour Skate shot

Skate Paris, learn to work a camera first please.

Let’s see, maybe 1992 doing the backpack tour through parts of Europe and I took this horribly exposed slide under the Eiffel Tower or La Tour Eiffel as they like to call it in country. In Paris (duh!) we lucked out in arriving at a rare time when the pools underneath the tower were drained, but we felt like jackasses because we neglected to bring our sticks. See the poorly scanned full frame enlargement after the jump.

I think these pools are gone now. There was a handful of guys skating and some French betties hanging out. The pool had a small tranny to walls that were a couple of feet high. It did not seem to be a bust at all. Man, you just can’t coax poorly exposed slide film to get anything usable out of it. Skater: The Unknown Frenchman.

Crappy Paris Eifel Tour Skate shot


7 thoughts on “Skate Paris, learn to work a camera first please.

  1. sick. i always wanted to skate that, france sucks for destroying it! (just had to say it)

  2. merde…????

  3. The Spot is still here…, it’s just full of water with red fishs and ducks.
    If you’re looking for spots and parks in France, check my site :

  4. ^^^ hey lookie, comment SPAM! Weeeee!

  5. I killed the comment spam. the filter catches 1000’s of them but every once in a while one gets through and I have to remove it manually. I see someone looks at the “Recent Comments” links.

  6. “he was about the alex mack athena technical”?

    is that some sort of lorem ipsum spammer code?
    and yes, I like to see what kind of wacky comments have been made since I’m so far out of the loop sob!

  7. I killed it. For some reason the comment spammers seem to love this post and a couple others.

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