Skate Karts

Skate karts are kraptacular

Imagine yourself hurtling down a hill sitting on a skateboard just inches off the ground. Sounds crazy… but it’s true. THIS is Skate Karts.

Lightwater Valley is one of those amusement parks geared more towards little kids. It’s in the U.K. somewhere, and they charge a general admission by the height of the kid. One of the attractions is the Skate Karts. It actually looks really dangerous for little kids. I foresee lots of bloody knuckles unless the hill is really, really mellow. I’m guessing it’s less than extreme since they don’t show a comprehensive view of the “track.” Of course they could just skip the imagination part and actually, you know, skateboard. More thrilling pictures after the jump.

skate karts

skate karts

skate karts


7 thoughts on “Skate karts are kraptacular

  1. well since the photos are clearly rotated 45 degrees, one may assume the hill is close to flat?

  2. After seeing the last issue of Concrete Wave I wouldn’t be surprised to see this advertised in there. That magazine absolutely sucks. Ads for illuminating riser pads? Photos that look like throw-away snap shots? And here’s a free hint: Nobody wants to see an add with your stupid child in it, it only means something to you. Those ads perfectly sum up the polite/MOR/good-vibes bullshit style of that magazine. For the mini-van crowd.

  3. cold ones on October 10, 2007 - Reply

    Maybe it’s like that weird spot in every town that looks flat,but when kids who are high go and park their cars there they start rolling.

  4. I once again can appreciate an SNA post if I imagine Grover’s face on the images.

  5. nweyesk8 on October 10, 2007 - Reply

    the little kids at our park do that for free

  6. They should just rename them Shopping carts. You can get those for free at the Safeway down the street.

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