Always surfing

“I know it may sound absurd, but I dig the challenge.” No, not a direct quote from Bob Burnquist after his Simon Woodstock-esque stunt (turned up to a Spinal Tap 11…) Looks like a wakeboard mounted up on trucks which we’ve seen before, but not on the Megaramp in the rain for the love of Thor. Simon set his up like a regular skateboard, Bob’s setup looks a little like a longrider. Then again, Simon wasn’t dropping in on an 18″ or more of transition in the rain. Speaking of Simon, he seemed to be gearing up for getting back in the public world of skateboarding again, but then he suddenly disappeared again. Name the band I’ve sideways referenced and win a noprize, no fair using Google.

[Source: Seventysixers]


17 thoughts on “Always surfing

  1. gnarly, no doubt, but I dare him to do that on a concrete face wall, not on some grippy Skatelite

      1. nweyesk8 on December 1, 2011 - Reply

        I said “wet” concrete

        1. lou sassel on December 3, 2011 - Reply

          i don’t see the word wet anywhere in your original comment. maybe I should reread it… nope still don’t see the word wet.

  2. band = thor?

  3. come on bob…paddle into that ramp…

  4. If he had any guts he’d do it one footed, and with a blind fold.

    Come on, you know it takes cantaloupe sized balls just to drop in normal on that, with a regular board when it’s dry. I guess it’s all relative though.

  5. the longriders?

  6. sketch? Valiant Thor?

  7. talentlessquitter on December 1, 2011 - Reply

    Simon&Garfunkel at Woodstock?

  8. talentlessquitter on December 1, 2011 - Reply

    Ah…The Challengers?

  9. man-o-war

  10. no. no. no.

  11. DAMNED if I’m not mistaken, but I think that transition is more than 18″.

    1. WINNER! The Damned is correct. I had given up hope. The track “” from Grave Disorder, a good album.

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